Astra Corporate Affair Award is a routine agenda held annually as a form of breeding and recognition to be appreciated by companies under Astra because they have practiced and implemented special management of the competed categories, namely "Astra Green Company (AGC)" a breakthrough in the field of Occupational Safety & Health and the Environment, "Astra Friendly Company (AFC)" competition for the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility programs, "Astra Security Management System (ASMS)" contest measuring the level of security in the company area, and Astra Corporate Management System (ACMS) competing for creativity in utilizing the field of communication within the company and externally. The peak of the 2023 Astra Corporate Affair Award (CAA) celebration took place at Menara Astra, Central Jakarta on Friday, February 16, 2024. In this event, TRAKNUS received an award that is no less prestigious, namely as Best Presenter.
In the midst of the tight screening stages of the Astra Corporate Affair Award 2023, especially for the ASMS category, it was attended by hundreds of participants, starting from August to October 2023. Selection in the initial round TRAKNUS was able to set aside and successfully ranked in the top 10 so that it was entitled as a participant nomination to follow the level of selection in the final.
When showing the breakthrough results that have been created by TRAKNUS at the ASMS award event this time, it was presented directly by experts in their fields, namely Sustainability, Security, Environment, Health, and Safety Department Head TRAKNUS Pendi Setyawan. Clearly and structured in delivering his speech in front of the jury with the project title "Vision X - CCTV Expansion Project Based on Security Vision". In his presentation, he explained the impact and benefits obtained by installing CCTV, namely preventive actions that have a role as strengthening supervision of the company's assets and preventing potential theft or crime and being able to capture rare incidents and incidents of damage to objects around. Because CCTV is sensitively able to detect strange movements of objects or wild animals or other living things according to the dimensions of its optimal range. Another reliability of CCTV is that it provides authentic evidence in the form of videos that can be used as verification material and validation of the facts of an event in the management of insurance claims as well as data on the instructions for investigating a case. With this increase in security, it will directly improve the company's reputation in the eyes of customers and business partners, as well as workers will feel safe and comfortable and create a determination to comply with established rules including applicable laws. Comparable to the capacity and capability possessed in describing the material and the ability to answer challenges from the jury acclamation chose Pendi Setiawan to be named Best Presenter.
For TRAKNUS, participating in the competition at the Astra Corporate Affair Award is no stranger, especially in the Astra Security Management System (ASMS) category which has carved a history not to be forgotten in carving out the highest award to become "First Champion" at the same event in 2019, at that time carrying the theme of Increasing the Security of Company Assets with the project title "Handling the Delivery of Stock Spare Parts MSI Dept with Double Check Security".
The participation of Astra Corporate Affair Award 2023 as a form of TRAKNUS still has a commitment and a form of effort to encourage the implementation of innovation and a strong spirit of sustainability, hopefully this award will further increase the enthusiasm for TRAKNUS personnel.
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