To start the year 2024 with enthusiasm, spirit, enthusiasm and new hope, Traktor Nusantara (TRAKNUS) Group held an annual employee forumattended by the Board of Directors, Management and all TRAKNUS Group personnel both Head Office and Branch offices as a forum to bridge communication between the Company and Employee. The event entitled "Business Resilience with Sustainability Responsibility" guided by the master of ceremony (MC) Adinda Audrey Noviella and Naufal Raihan Riandi was held in a hybrid manner by taking place in the Head Office Multipurpose Room, while for employee in branches following it online via zoom took place on January 19, 2024.
The agenda began with RAPID 2.0 greetings to greet all employee both in the Branch and Head Office guided by the MC. The next program sang Mars Astra & Bagimu Negeri and continued with remarks from the Chairman of the Labor Union Agung Nugroho.
The next agenda also proclaims an important aspect, namely the socialization of Go Live SAP HCM, a strategic step to support the company's digitalization transformation. Before giving an introductory speech, Director in Charge of Human Capital David Raka Budi Nurcahya presented a video of the Go Live SAP HCM procession. "SAP HCM as a new system that helps monitor control to report on employee data the process runs integrated systemically and digitally at this time Organization Management, Personnel Administration, Time Management, Travel Management, and Payroll also presents the integration of wellness facilities in one system. This system improvement change must be supported and lived, when it is stable, an evaluation will be carried out to find out what must be developed or made improvements while still prioritizing effectiveness and efficiency," he said.
The agenda continued with remarks from TRAKNUS President Director Harijadi Mawardi coupled with elaborating the meaning and understanding of President Message 2024. "Starting with gratitude to God Almighty, TRAKNUS Group in 2023 was given better results than the previous year, which was able to achieve the best performance with new records. Business Resilience with Sustainability Responsibility being this year's theme is a form of the company's seriousness to consistently maintain and improve the business position that has been achieved by TRAKNUS Group, I urge all TRAKNUS personnel to remain focused in facing the challenges that exist and continue to be active to get opportunities in the future. Solid coordination and collaboration among peers, including with principals, business partners, as well as proper & prudent operational processes, must continue to be carried out in order to win the competition. This year, geopolitical conditions are still not conducive, the increase in the benchmark interest rate "The Fed", the uncertainty of foreign currencies, to the election event makes its own challenges, which of course will affect the course of business this year, "warned the mandated.
The company this year will enter its golden age or 50th age (golden anniversary), therefore we invite all TRAKNUS Group personnel to reflect a mature adult character and describe a long but meaningful journey, he added.
This activity is also a moment to convey to all TRAKNUS Group people the declaration of the company's work targets in 2024, to be implemented with planned activities and strategies. The demonstration of raising the flag by standing upright by the BOD and management rhythmically is a visualization of the spirit and strong determination, by committing to collaboration & cooperation that is aligned with all TRAKNUS Group people to remain at the forefront in winning the competition and continuing to flutter as a market leader with sustainability.
To face the challenging situation and conditions in 2024 as an effort to maintain TRAKNUS Group's business position, an active role is needed to get future opportunities and prioritize solid coordination and collaboration with mutual respect, as an actualization of the application of the 4th RAPID Core Value Respect for Others Indicator, namely Promoting Cooperation, Collaboration and the Principle of Mutual Trust.
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