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07 August 2024 News

TRAKNUS I-Share 2024 Innovation Inspiration and Education

Traktor Nusantara (TRAKNUS) in an effort to accelerate competency development and foster the spirit of innovation of workers by organizing Innovation Sharing (I-Share) sessions. A concept and process of sharing ideas, experiences, knowledge and knowledge of designing innovations including methods of developing pouring in Innovations paper.

The synergistic collaboration of Human Capital Development (HCD), TRAKNUS Innovation, and the Executive Management & Learning Center (EMLC), presents in-depth insights and transformative experiences to accelerate the development and implementation of value-added ideas with creativity to create better solutions. 

This special edition of I-Share was prepared to help participants stay informed about the topics reviewed and also provide an interesting impression for participants, the program is packaged in a webinar talk show format. The event was held through the zoom online digital platform on Wednesday, August 7, 2024 with the participation of around 140 TRAKNUS Group workers. This internal activity is designed to make participants inspired to develop new findings and improve existing innovations. Hosted by an energetic host full of insight EMLC Staff Radin Noor opened the event with expertise in moderating a warm and interactive atmosphere.

1. knews edisi w4 agustus traknus i share 2024 inspirasi dan edukasi inovasi

The initial session of the talk show discussed comprehensive education on tactical steps to ensure the passing of innovation papers in the verification process from the perspective of Muhamad Ibnu Sina's experience. Person in Charge of Innovation as an inspirational figure who is good at handling and driving TRAKNUS Innovation emphasizes careful and good preparation by paying attention to a strong and relevant methodology using 8 Steps, Design Thinking and DMAIC methodology. 

Furthermore, the selection of innovation themes that answer significant problems and contribute to innovation has a potential impact on the scope of target performance indicators and value chain collaboration, structured papers are supported by data analysis accompanied by valid examples or information, the language style used is good and easy to understand, equipped with a potential development process for the continuation of innovation in the future. 

The presentation was not only theoretical but also full of practical insights that can be directly applied in daily work, making it a valuable guide for each participant.

The second session continued with Teguh Santoso sharing his story and experience as a finalist in the prestigious InnovAstra 40 event in the Suggestion System (SS) category. The Jambi branch mechanic was specially flown to Jakarta to share an inspiring story about his innovation journey. 

Teguh Santoso's inspiration came from his daily tasks and responsibilities dealing directly with customers. Meeting the needs and high expectations of customers for TRAKNUS products is a noble challenge. Luck was felt at that time to be able to answer Pertamina's customer's criticality and be able to fulfill various technical qualification requirements for TRAKNUS Genset products that were handed over for commissioning tests. It was then that a simple idea was born but was able to make the customer accept and be satisfied with the results of achieving the qualification limitation scale. 

2. knews edisi w4 agustus traknus i share 2024 inspirasi dan edukasi inovasi

Participating in the InnovAstra final is the highest desire in the world of innovation in the company. Various lessons and insights are obtained in addition to exposure to expanding the network of fellow workers in Astra, exchanging various ideas from panelist judges, understanding of solutions and methodologies, and what should not be left out is the opportunity to promote the results of one's own innovation in front of the Astra audience. 

3. knews edisi w4 agustus traknus i share 2024 inspirasi dan edukasi inovasi

At the end of the series of events HCD Staff Sarah Zhafira made the atmosphere more cheerful and cheerful by offering various prizes following an interactive quiz session. The excitement and enthusiasm was very visible from the number of participants who took part in the quiz on the topic of understanding innovation material, the company's core value “RAPID”, and the latest Company developments. 

“I-Share 2024 Special Edition” is a tangible manifestation of cross-departmental synergy that is committed to encouraging the achievement of Development Hour for all Workers. This event is in line with the company's continuous efforts in promoting self-development and the application of the core value of “RAPID - Innovative Solution”, ensuring that each individual can contribute optimally in achieving the company's strategic goals through continuous innovation. (MIS)

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