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19 August 2024 News

TRAKNUS Enhances Earthquake Emergency Response Preparedness

In order to align sustainability commitments to ensure Traktor Nusantara (TRAKNUS) Group not only runs a business, but also prioritizes protection and safety for workers and the surrounding environment by launching a series of initiatives focused on disaster preparedness.

A good step to increase awareness, skills, alertness and efforts to mitigate the risk of earthquake disaster, TRAKNUS Group continuously organizes the Sustainability Awareness program. The activity titled “Emergency Response on Earthquake” has the main objective of encouraging positive action and collaboration in order to strengthen the capacity of TRAKNUS Group people in responding to earthquake emergencies effectively and reducing negative impacts on workers and the surrounding environment. 

Motivated by the high seismic activity in Indonesia, based on data from the Indonesian Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) throughout 2023 there were 219 significant earthquakes in Indonesia with magnitudes above 5.0. Although earthquakes cannot be predicted, their impact can be minimized if preparedness and preparedness are followed by knowledge of the various steps that must be taken before, during and after an earthquake.

1. knews edisi w2 september 2024 traknus tingkatkan kesiagaan tanggap darurat gempa

The earthquake emergency response preparedness activity was divided into 2 sessions, starting with the Sustainability Awareness Forum which was held online through the Zoom platform on August 19, 2024.  This forum presented a resource person from the Astra SAR Coordinator Team Tutut Subagyo, also attended by all TRAKNUS Group Workers.

Tutut Subagyo explained “A deep understanding of emergency response procedures owned by every worker for preparedness and readiness in the face of earthquake disasters is the main key to the accuracy of taking the right steps to minimize losses and save lives.  The organization of this forum is designed to strengthen the capacity and understanding of each individual in TRAKNUS Group as well as the ability to practice safety protocols with discipline, including identification of evacuation routes, proper use of personal protective equipment, and management of emotions and stress in crisis situations.

Armed with the knowledge gained from the sharing that followed and to emphasize the preparedness and readiness of workers in responding to emergency or disaster situations effectively, in the next session an Earthquake Emergency Response Simulation was held on August 23, 2024. In Jakarta, this simulation was held simultaneously in 2 different locations, namely at the Pulogadung Head Office and the Rawa Sumur Training Center. 

2. knews edisi w2 september 2024 traknus tingkatkan kesiagaan tanggap darurat gempa

With the sounding of a long siren, workers were asked to keep moving quickly but were asked to remain calm and carefully directed to the designated gathering points, namely Gate Post 1 and Gate Post 2. Workers were also taught to systematically demonstrate how to take cover and secure themselves during an emergency disaster in their respective work areas, followed by evacuation efforts by the Emergency Response Coordination Team (TKTD). The implementation of this simulation is the initiation and collaboration of the Sustainability, Security, Environment, Health, and Safety (SSEHS) team and TKTD which includes the planning process, training and simulation, preparation of emergency equipment, restoration of facilities and evaluation and improvement.

HCSSEHSGA Division Head of TRAKNUS Group Iman Nurcahyo expects that through this simulation, all TRAKNUS Group personnel will be able to improve education and preparedness literacy by understanding emergency response procedures, fostering coordination and communication between workers including parties involved in emergency response, practicing quick and effective responses, as well as building trust and increasing awareness about the importance of disaster preparedness as explained.

The effort to realize TRAKNUS Group's management commitment in saving and protecting and reducing the negative impact of disasters for every worker is translated into concrete practices through this emergency disaster preparedness forum and simulation. 

SSEHS Department Head Pendi Setyawan, gave a direct briefing, ensuring that every worker followed the evacuation procedure according to the directions given. “This simulation aims to train and test the ability of each Worker to deal with emergency situations. It is important to ensure that every worker understands as well as adheres to evacuation procedures correctly, so that in the event of an emergency, all can act quickly and in a coordinated manner”, he said. (NRR)

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