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25 October 2023 News

Administration Department Head's PDCA-T Summit

On October 16-18, 2023, the 2023 Administration Department Head (ADH) meeting was held at Lido Lake Resort Sukabumi, West Java. The 2023 ADH meeting was titled "Carving Operational Synergy for Business Sustainability". All branch ADHs, Function & Head Support, all Division Heads, and the Board of Directors participated.

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The event was opened by the Director of Marketing, HC & Sustainability, David Raka Budi Nurcahya, said that Traktor Nusantara has implemented the process of planning, executing and checking the results of each policy and strategic initiative that has been set. This measurable achievement will then become a sustainable basis for standardizing the achievement of the results so that there is integration and continuity of the PDCA cycle. In addition to setting measurable parameters to be more productive, activities need to build cooperation between functions, departments, divisions and even between companies so as to create synergy, he said.

The 2023 ADH Raker agenda is divided into 3 activity sessions, starting with the ADH Pre Raker which was held online on September 13 - October 04, 2023. This agenda is specifically for Function & Head Support and Division Head Operational to provide debriefing material, sharing along with the latest policy / regulation updates that are relevant to the scope of the ADH field. The material presented is still very fresh so that the discussion is very interactive as seen from the enthusiasm of the ADHs asking one after another guided and moderated by Adinda Audrey.

The next series is the ADH Online Raker held on October 11-12, this session provides an opportunity for all ADHs to present presentation material on the implementation of activities and the results of KPI achievement including obstacles and actions that have been implemented.  This session guided by Bunga Radya was very exciting, some inputs from the Heads and Division Heads as a review of the alignment of strategy deployment implementation (Policy Management / PM and Activity Management / AM) including providing direction to ADHs in dealing with obstacles that occur in branches. 

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The last session as the peak event, namely the Offline ADH Meeting, was the first direct meeting held after the pandemic. The seriousness of the participants was seen from the first day, starting with the presentation of the series of events from the committee, opening the DIC and sharing the latest system updates (SAP, HCM, PP & Budget) with liveliness. The second day showed more excitement with the Roleplay performance of all ADHs with the theme Handling Complaints & Resolving Internal Conflict. Followed by an executive sharing event hosted by United Tractor's PIN Division Head Dian Wahyu and a friendly chat with the BOD in a question and answer session.

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As a closing activity, all ADH Raker participants participated in team building, it seemed that the excitement and excitement of this event was that all teams of participants played various games provided by applying PDCA-T to become the best team by contributing and carrying out their respective functions led by the team leader.

To support the alignment and elaboration of the deployment of the company's strategy (deployment activity) into operations in the branch as well as a strong encouragement of activities based on sustainability, ADH has become an important element to achieve the goals that have been set, by making planning, process and implementation, control, prevention, evaluation and teamwork for that the theme carried is very appropriate for the ADH Raker this time, added committee chairman Rezza Ikhwansyah.

The company believes that a great team will be able to produce better performance, therefore PDCA-T (Plan-Do-Check-Action and Team Building) is needed in implementing strategies, achieving goals, evaluating continuous process management and cooperation.

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