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28 June 2024 News

50 Tahun Bersama Nusantara Untuk Keberlanjutan

On Tuesday, June 18, 2024, Traktor Nusantara (TRAKNUS) held an Employee Meeting in order to celebrate its 50th golden anniversary with the theme 'Bersama Nusantara Untuk Keberlanjutan'. The workers meeting was held in a hybrid manner to connect all TRAKNUS Group workers across the archipelago to participate in this event. The center of the event took place in the Head Office Multipurpose Room attended by all levels of the Board of Directors, Divison Heads, Managerial and all TRAKNUS Group employees.

Hosted by famous Master of Ceremony (MC) Sarah Zhafira and Febby Arifin, the event featured a series of planned agendas such as Welcoming Eid al-Adha Celebration, 50 Years Traktor Nusantara Book Publishing Flashback, Launching New TRAKNUS Contact Center and Inauguration of Semarang and Makassar Branch Offices.

The event was opened by the MC starting with a prayer together, continued by the workers enlivening Salam RAPID, followed by singing Mars Astra and Bagimu Negeri. The MC cheerfully did not forget to greet the frenetic presence of workers through virtual conferences at the branch then asked the Chairman of the TRAKNUS Group Workers Union Agung Nugroho to give a speech.

Eid al-Adha Celebration

1. knews edisi w5 juni 2024 50 tahun bersama nusantara untuk keberlanjutan

Every year the Eid al-Adha celebration at TRAKNUS Group is held as a momentum to share in order to strengthen the commitment to provide benefits to the surrounding environment. This year's Eid al-Adha, TRAKNUS Group handed over a sacrificial animal in the form of one cow as a form of gratitude for the achievement of TRAKNUS until the 50th anniversary (golden age). Through the Mosque Prosperity Council (DKM) An Nur, the Sacrificial animal was handed over to be named shohibul qurban of TRAKNUS retired workers; Parmono Setiawan, Junaedi, Maryono, Heriadi Kurniawan, M. Mansyur, Achmad Suhendar, and Solihin. Also present were shohibul qurban Handi Wibowo and Resti Anggraeni who sacrificed one sheep each. The ceremony was symbolically handed over by SHN Marketing & Sales Director Handoko, to the Chairman of the 2024 TRAKNUS Group Sacrifice Committee Bachtiar Yusuf.

"Sacrifice is not only about giving wealth or sacrificial animals, but also the sincerity of giving time, energy, and dedication to things that are valuable and our responsibility in various roles. May we continue to share, help and establish togetherness and solidarity between TRAKNUS Group personnel by making the best contribution to the company and the surrounding community," said Handoko when giving a speech.

Announcement of Traktor Nusantara 50 Years Book

2. knews edisi w5 juni 2024 50 tahun bersama nusantara untuk keberlanjutan

Why establish TRAKTOR NUSANTARA? The story of this journey is obtained from the impressions of the predecessor leaders who gave testimonies of how TRAKNUS was founded and processed. The company was formed because of the blessing of trust given by the parties, especially the Principals, who put great trust in Astra International to market their products. Fifty years is a long journey filled with challenges, dynamics, and achievements.  

Material Handling Business and Human Capital & Sustainability Director David Raka Budi Nurcahya said "In order to obtain a legacy of knowledge and values that can be passed on to the next generation, this special momentum provides an opportunity to explore the history of TRAKNUS and explore important knowledge from each decade. The history of this journey is packaged in the book '50 Tahun Bersama Nusantara Untuk Keberlanjutan' which was launched on June 11, 2024, on the occasion of TRAKNUS' 50th Anniversary.  This book reviews the journey of TRAKNUS by providing valuable insights through valuable experiences. In the sustainability of the company, there is an undeniable dedication from past leaders, which provides an invaluable source of inspiration and as a manifestation of sincere appreciation for the valuable contribution of each individual in the long journey of TRAKNUS," he explained.

3. knews edisi w5 juni 2024 50 tahun bersama nusantara untuk keberlanjutan

The process of compiling this book was supported by Gramedia Group senior writer Kristin Samah. The presence of this book feels very special, because it can only be realized inseparable from the willingness of time to serve interview requests by the author to the founders and leaders in the past, including TP Rakhmat, Gde Murdjana, Djoko Pranoto, Alexander Lunardi, Agus Soetedjo, Tadashi Nakatsuka, Edhie Sarwono, I Wayan Parka, and other TRAKNUS figures.

Inauguration of New TRAKNUS Contact Center

4. knews edisi w5 juni 2024 50 tahun bersama nusantara untuk keberlanjutan

A new step full of hope to continue to be committed to maintaining relationships with customers, accompanied by digital marketing transformation, namely website changes, the use of social media, and finally establishing the TRAKNUS Contact Center (TCC) is not just a service center, but as an important bridge to keep communicating and providing the best solutions to customers. Although faced with global challenges, TRAKNUS has proven that it can continue to provide excellent service. 

5. knews edisi w5 juni 2024 50 tahun bersama nusantara untuk keberlanjutan

In his speech at the inauguration of the New TRAKNUS Contact Center, Director of Material Handling Business and Human Capital & Sustainability David Raka Budi Nurcahya said "In the last three years TCC has become an important solution component in creating new opportunities and developing business prospects. Being a clear proof of the organization's Agile and continuous innovation, management decided that it is time for TRAKNUS to have its own identity that is stronger and more independent, so that it is more flexible in developing services and focusing on serving customer needs," he explained.

The launch of the New TRAKNUS Contact Center also featured the screening of the "Solution in Hand" Video showing the New TCC Logo and Meaning along with various latest service innovations such as OmniChannel Inbound, Customer Handling Management, Service Advisory, Telesales, Service Reminder, and Customer Satisfaction Survey. Totality to realize comprehensive Customer Delight as a real step to continue to grow and adapt to every market need.

6. knews edisi w5 juni 2024 50 tahun bersama nusantara untuk keberlanjutan

Furthermore, Marketing Communications Deputy Head Muhammad Adam Ghafarry in this soft launching gave a flashback presentation of the birth of TCC and the history of the successful journey in these three years. Likewise, pinning the meaning of the new logo starting from the cartoon mascot, logo color, number 1500974 including the TCC innovation service launched. The new TCC number 1500974 is not just a row of numbers, but a sacred number 1974 which is the founding year of Traktor Nusantara, which marks a historic moment of the beginning of TRAKNUS' journey. May this moment be a motivation to work harder, innovate more, and provide the best service for customers and contribute to the company.

Inauguration of Semarang and Makassar Offices

A strategic step as an effort to strengthen the network and improve service quality for customers, TRAKNUS again inaugurated the placement of new offices in the Semarang Branch and Makassar Branch virtually through the Zoom application platform.

The roar of the event was felt again as soon as the MC greeted through the video conference asking the enthusiasm of the Semarang Branch workers and continued with the Makassar Branch, to give an impression of occupying their new office. The event continued with the inauguration of the placement of the new Semarang branch office and Makassar Branch, TRAKNUS President Director Harijadi Mawardi symbolically signed the inscription. 

7. knews edisi w5 juni 2024 50 tahun bersama nusantara untuk keberlanjutan

Afterwards, a ribbon-cutting ceremony was held by Branch Operation Head of Makassar Branch Bagus Putra Kurniawan together with representatives of head office management Deputy Division Head Marketing Rendy Pratama and Branch Support Head Henry Panjaitan.

At almost the same time in another region of Indonesia, Semarang Branch Operation Head Brian Armanda Razak, accompanied by Material Handling Product Support Division Head Ferdinand Widjaja and Branch Improvement Head Marina Nur, held a festive event with a tumpeng cutting ceremony.

8. knews edisi w5 juni 2024 50 tahun bersama nusantara untuk keberlanjutan

At the end of the event TRAKNUS President Director Harijadi Mawardi gave a speech to all TRAKNUS people, "Praise and gratitude are offered to the Almighty God, for His grace and blessings, so that today we can gather to celebrate 50 years of Traktor Nusantara. Treading a long journey for five decades, TRAKNUS has managed to overcome challenges and carve many glorious achievements. The blessing is seen throughout the company until entering its 50th year, TRAKNUS continues to grow into a leader in its class. Starting from the great trust given by the principals of two world-leading brands namely Massey Ferguson and Perkins, in 1980 TRAKNUS was again trusted by the world's leading brand Toyota Material Handling which made it even stronger in the market position. Until now TRAKNUS has been trusted by twelve leading brands in the world as a driver of business growth, "he said.

In the midst of the changing demands of the heavy equipment business, TRAKNUS continues to welcome changes by aligning the product line from the principal with customers and increasing competitiveness and ensuring the business model is always relevant to customer needs and the latest technological developments. Consistently, we will echo the ideals of TRAKNUS to become the best distributor in industrial and agricultural sector in Indonesia. We would like to express our gratitude and thanks to all TRAKNUS Group employees who supported and participated in both the organizing committee and participated in enlivening the entire series of 50th Anniversary celebration activities. At the same time, on behalf of the Board of Directors, we invite all the big family of TRAKNUS Group to attend the Family Gathering event held both at the Head Office and at each Branch Office.

9. knews edisi w5 juni 2024 50 tahun bersama nusantara untuk keberlanjutan

As a sign of the culmination of the TRAKNUS 50th Anniversary Celebration series, all ranks of the TRAKNUS Group Board of Directors stamped their hands to form a tree painting on canvas. This painting is a manifestation of management's commitment to sustainability so that it continues to grow and become a Shady Tree for all stakeholders. With the spirit of togetherness, TRAKNUS is ready to welcome a more glorious future.

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