Jakarta (14/10) - PT Traktor Nusantara (TRAKNUS) together with its subsidiary PT Swadaya Harapan Nusantara (SHN) have closed a series of activities for the TRAKNUS Innovation Convention 2021 on October 14, 2021, which will be fully held virtually. With the theme “Synergy to Make Things Happen”, it is an important event and an event to find the best innovators to represent the company in InnovAstra 38. This event is more interesting because it involves all lines of TRAKNUS – SHN people from the Board of Directors, General Manager, Managerial, Staff, and Frontliner either as committee, jury, or finalists.
These finalists went through a rigorous selection before being declared eligible for the 2021 TRAKNUS Innovation Convention. In 2021, TRAKNUS – SHN personnel managed to collect 579 papers innovation in 3 stages consisting of 533 Suggestion System (SS), 33 Quality Control Circle (QCC), and 13 Quality Control Projects (QCP). From all the collected papers, 15 finalist candidates were selected by completing the paper presentation according to the judging criteria, and then finally 5 finalists were selected. The criteria used by the judges for the assessment of the 5 finalists include aspects of Process (45%), Performance (35%), Rapid Culture (15%), and Paperwork (5%) with the duration of the presentation of material for each finalist is 15 minutes and followed by 30 minutes of questions and answer (QnA). The presentation and question and answer (QnA) sessions for all finalists were also witnessed by registered observers so that this moment became a good opportunity for all parties to learn together. On the other hand, the jury was no less enthusiastic to provide constructive feedback and suggestions for the finalists.
With a fairly tight final score competition, finally, 3 winners were selected which were divided into 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners in each category.
1st place in the category Suggestion System was Antonius Nugroho Cahyadi from the Functional Department, followed by Heri Suprijanto from the Division of Service as 2nd place and Sandi Purwiro from the Genset Center Department - SHN as 3rd place.
While the 1st place winner in the category of Quality Control Circle Non-Technical won by the DIR Team (Functional Department), followed by the Deco Trak Team (HC-SEHS-GA Division) in the 2nd place and the Warerior Team (Division Parts) in the 3rd place.
Then the 1st place in the Category of Quality Control Project won by The Dreamer team (Service), followed by the MHD Kiat Ananda Project Team (Division Material Handling) in the 2nd place and team El Grader (Division Agro Construction & Crane) in the 3rd place.
In addition, as a form of full commitment to innovation, Top Management also gave various appreciations to Titi Nurhayati from the SHN Rental Division as Most SS Contributor of The Year (30 SS), Sukimi from the division of Parts as The Most Team Leader Contributor of The Year (5 Projects), Ririn Arisanty from the FAT & IT Division as Best AOC Paper Productivity of The Year (5,17 Paper per Manpower) and Febby Arifin from the division Material Handling as Best AOC Paper Submission of The Year (47 Paper).
Throughout 2021, the company has given various awards with a total prize of more than 200 million Rupiah as a form of company appreciation for innovators and the implementation of the company's spirit as a PARTNER IN PROGRESS for all parties. Next, let's support the first winners of each category in a bigger competition, InnovAstra 38 which will take place in October 2021 - February 2022.
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